Hello and welcome to this week’s Work It Wednesday!
Boy, what a week it has been. If you didn’t hear, this little girl made her big debut last week!
Say hello to Ms. Adelaide Candice Averett. She was born Monday July 22, 2013 at 2:24 pm weighing 7 lbs 9.6 oz and 18 and 1/2 inches long. Yes. She was born the same day as the new prince of Cambridge. I’m pretty sure that they are meant to be. 😉
I think it’s funny how little people tell you about what actual parenthood is like. Everyone seems to focus on how hard pregnancy is or how hard/painful labor is, but I don’t think anyone told me how downright miserable {yes, I said it} the first week of being a mom would be. Yes, they said I’d be so tired and I would have next to no time to myself, but it all seemed manageable. Never did they say that there is a serious possibility that my baby wouldn’t latch in breastfeeding right away {or at all}, or that she would have her days and nights completely mixed up resulting in my husband, mom, and I having to take shifts to watch after our bright-eyed babe, or that she would cry and cry and as much as you feel like you should know what to do {because you are her mother after all}, you may not and she’ll continue to cry and seem completely inconsolable. Let’s just say that there have been many, many tears shed by all of us this week. Luckily, it’s been so much better these last two days though! I feel like I’m finally starting to connect with her and see her as the beautiful, sweet little girl that she is. Thank heavens. Because I was about 2 steps away from jumping off the crazy train.
Before we get this party started, I want to say thank you to all of you that have offered kind words and support throughout this whole process. It made this mama’s heart feel good reading the comments and congratulations on pictures that I posted. You guys are awesome and I appreciate you for it all!
Ok. Now onto the party. The most viewed link last week was:
Simple Vanilla Cake from Happy and Harried
Looks absolutely delicious! Now, for my favorite link ups from last week they are:
7 Layer Greek Dip from Sunflower Supper Club
Raspberry and Cream Pancakes from Cook and Craft Me Crazy
Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Ice Cream Pops from Kiddie Foods
SEO Tips and Tricks from Mama’s Got It Together
Peaches and Cream Cupcakes from Todd and Lindsey
Thank you everyone for participating in Work It Wednesday! Everything look so great! If you were featured, be sure to grab yourself a featured button here! Now…let’s get down to the nitty gritty. All I ask is that you remember 3 simple rules:
Congrats on the new arrival! She looks so sweet!
Looks like you’ve had a very eventful week! Congrats:@)
Congrats and welcome to the beautiful Miss Adelaide! 🙂
Thanks for the feature Sarah!
Congrats on Baby Adelaide! What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby! 🙂
Aww! Congrats on your new sweet baby. She is so adorable. I am really happy for you! When I had my first baby, the first month was so hard for me it was hard to enjoy my baby like I thought I would. I was more tired than I had ever been in my life, I was recovering from a long and hard labor and trying to figure out breastfeeding was quite a new experience. But thankfully it gets better and I know it will get better soon for you. Enjoy your sweet new baby!
She is absolutely beautiful. My first daughter was the same way but it took us months to get things to calm down. Now she is 9 & those days of crying are a vague memory. But she beautiful smile and the bond we formed is something I’ll never forget. Enjoy every second of it because it flies by.
She is so beautiful……you’ll get the hang of it soon…..just hang in there 🙂
Love your site ….
The first while of being a mom is so tough! Sorry to not have let you in on that. I felt the same way. You mean nursing doesn’t just come naturally to both parties? Thanks for telling me. Babies cry and cry to the point that Mommy cries? Why wasn’t I warned? And on, and on it goes. But as you already know, it gets better. One day at a time. Children are such a blessing, and you’ve got one sweet little girl there! Hope today was an easier day for you. Also – I love your blog.. just so you know.
Congratulations on the beautiful addition to your family! Your first week sounds a lot like mine was. Hang in there! I hope it is continuing to get better. My first was exactly like that and we ended up back in the hospital and I went to the bottle I was so scared. She began sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and it has been wonderful ever since, she is now 17! I know your little one will bring you all the joy you can imagine! Congratulations again! I almost forgot, thanks so much for featuring our Layered Greek Dip at the party! Have a terrific week!