I can’t begin to tell you how great this blog has been for me. It’s so nice that I can work from home while taking care of the babelet. To thank all of you for being such diligent followers, I’ve gotten together with some fellow bloggers to give one of you lucky peeps $400 in cold hard cash!
What better timing than with Valentine’s Day coming up, right? 😉 Fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter. Don’t worry, it’s an easy one. Just follow everybody on Pinterest and you’re good to go. Thank you so much for following and know that you are appreciated!
Giveaway brought to you by these beautiful faces:
Endlessly Inspired // CCMcAfee {Perspective} // Yesterfood // The Love Nerds // Living Better Together // Bread Booze Bacon // I Dig Pinterest // Tiny Sidekick // Anyonita Nibbles // A Dash of Sanity // Greens & Chocolate // Crafts a la Mode // House by Hoff // Hey, Let’s Make Stuff // Cooking with Curls // My UnEntitled Life // TitiCrafty // Sarah Cooks the Books // Luxe…With Kids // Sew a Fine Seam // Love Bakes Good Cakes // High Heels & Grills // Fearlessly Creative Mammas // Table for Seven // Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt
Good luck, friends!
love to win and totally great.