Who is ready for the holidays?! Are you having them at your house? What are you eating? What are you asking Santa for? Give me all the details!! We are staying here in Colorado for Thanksgiving and having dinner with some awesome friends, but for Christmas, we are going home. It will be the first time in our married life that we’ve been home for Christmas and I am so excited! It just feels right for the babelet to be with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
Speaking of Christmas, how would you like an extra $500 to spend on your loved ones {and let’s be honest, a little bit on yourself. ;)}?? One of you lucky readers’ days will be made a little merrier and bright with our $500 visa gift card giveaway going on right now! Be sure to pay a visit to the awesome bloggers below and be sure to fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win! Thank you so much for being a reader of this blog. You don’t know how much it means to us!
Good luck! And may the odds be eva’ in yo’ fava’.