Use this super easy meal plan to plan your meals this week! There are 6 dinners and 2 desserts from your favorite and trusted bloggers that taste delicious.
Hello and welcome to our Easy Meal Plan Sunday #5!
This week was Addi’s birthday and I’m not going to lie – I think I had more fun for her birthday than I had for my own. Don’t get me wrong, my birthday rocked. Zach knocked it out of the park with everything that happened that day, but we packed so many fun things into Addi’s birthday that I couldn’t help but have the time of my life! We started with breakfast in bed, watched the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds show, floating the river, and went to the drive-in. Doesn’t that sound like the kind of birthday that dreams are made of?? Yes. The answer is yes.
Anyway, it’s been fun loving on my now two year old! Now, let’s get this other party started and check out our easy meal plan for the week!