Welcome to this week’s Four Favorites Friday! This is where you get to see some of our favorite things from the week and hopefully you’ll leave with a few new favorites, too. Thanks for stopping by!
1. Most popular pin on Pinterest – Asian Lemon Chicken from Eazy Peazy Meals
I don’t blame people for repinning these. The photo is gorgeous and that chicken looks better than something you could buy in a restaurant.
2. Inspiration via The Intentional Home
Excuse me, while I go cry my eyes out. Especially since we have already used up 91 of those already. Someone stop my baby from growing up!
3 – Recipe we’ve been lusting over – Peanut Butter Reese’s Pieces Shortbread Bars from Shugary Sweets
I can’t decide if it’s the shortbread, the Reese’s Pieces, or the fact that it’s peanut butter flavored, but when I saw these, I knew I had to have them.
4. Life Snippet – This last week, Adelaide and I had the chance to go to Utah for 7 full days. I didn’t know until after I went, how truly needed it was. I knew I was going mostly for Addi because the mom guilt is real when I think about how little she gets to see her aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. But, I think this was the first time that she actually appreciated being with them. Every time she saw her grandma or grandpa {on my side and Zach’s} she needed to be held by them, stat. I had no idea how much happiness I could experience from seeing them love on her and her love them back in return. Talk about heartwarming and tearjerking!
Also, can I just say how much of a champ that girl is when it comes to traveling? I had multiple people tell me what a good kid she was. If we are being honest here, I’d have to attribute a good amount of that to the iPad that we just bought for Easter, almost purely to keep her entertained while traveling. That’s not bad is it? I have always been one of those people that takes pride in the fact that my kid doesn’t know how to run electronics because we haven’t exposed her to them, but we finally snapped and that iPad was bought. Between the Tinkerbell shows that are on repeat and the fun farm games, she’s hooked. Whatever keeps her happy I guess. I’m going to try not to stress about it too much. P.S. That face, though. {All the heart eyes.}
Happy Friday, friends!
OMG. That quote. I told you the other day it goes so fast. My oldest graduates high school in 3 weeks. Talk about crying eyes out 🙁 I seriously can look back and think it was just yesterday he was 2, then 9, and now 18. UGH. I must go indulge in those Reese’s Bars. Thanks for the shout out 🙂
Oh and PS…LOVE the new look! Very unique, and memorable 🙂
Thanks for including me! I love your new site design!