Happy Super Bowl Weekend! Are any of you watching the big game? Who are you rootin’ for? Fun fact for the day: According to the Scott Tissue company, the toilet is flushed more during halftime of the Super Bowl than at any other point during the year: 90 million flushes, using 350 million gallons of water, which is the same amount of water that flows over Niagra Falls in 7 minutes. 7 MINUTES! That’s a freaking long time! Some things leave me speechless. I honestly couldn’t care less about the game though, I’m just excited for the food. If you need some inspiration on what to make your guests or take to a SB party, check out The Recipe Critic for some great ideas!
As for my post for you today, I’m going to be focusing on what’s really important here: Valentine’s Day! A bunch of us bloggy buddies have pulled together and shared our favorite Valentine’s recipes. There are some good ones in there, so be sure to check ’em out!
Magnolia Bakery Vanilla Vanilla Cupcakes from The Baker Upstairs
Valentine’s Cheesecakes from Max & Me
Homemade Cherry Cordials from Inside BruCrew Life
Marshmallow Heart Brownie Bites from A Pumpkin & A Princess
Brown Bag Microwave Popcorn (and a free printable!) from Hubby Made Me
Edible Teacups from 504 Main
Vanilla Bean Valentine’s Cookies from Shugary Sweets
Valentine’s Day Treats from Happy Go Lucky
Enjoy! And Happy Day of Love peeps. 🙂
Linking up here.
Mmmmm, make me want to bake some cute little heart treats!
=) Brooke