Welcome back to another Work It Wednesday! I was kind of hoping that I could get this up super early last night and it would make up for the fact that I didn’t get a WIW up at all last week, but I kind of failed. Miserably. But, I do have good reasons for it!
I woke up the other night to some really painful contractions and everyone just told me that they were Braxton Hicks and I shouldn’t think anything of it. So I didn’t. Then I went to my doctor’s appointment yesterday and they monitored me and had enough concern to send me to the hospital where they could do more extensive monitoring. They found that I’m dilated to about 1 cm and I’ve been having contractions as close as 3 minutes apart and as far as about 10 minutes apart. I don’t think it’s that much to get worried over, but the doctors were a little nervous because apparently this isn’t very common in someone that hasn’t already had a baby or had cervical work done. Especially since I’m only 28 weeks along. So, in short, I spent the majority of my night in a hospital bed, strapped to monitors and such and wasn’t able to get this party going. Sorry about that! I sure hope you will all understand!
Now, for the reasons you’re all here. The most viewed link from last week was:
Thanks for hosting!!! Stay in bed and relax 🙂 Have a great week!
Hope you are feeling okay this morning Sarah. I think that your blog is awesome. I don’t know how many times I’ve made those sugar cookie bars. Whenever I do, people always rave. So thank you so much!
Thanks so much for hosting!! 🙂
Oh boy, hospitals are no fun if it’s not time for baby to come! Keep that little one inside (not that you can completely control that)! Hope you’re doing better and everything goes smoothly from now on. Thanks for hosting each week too! I love the new look!
Sorry to hear your last week was a bit stressful! Having been there myself, I completely understand it’s a bit scary! I hope things are going smoothly now, and you’re feeling just great!
Take care of yourself!!!
Take care of yourself!!!
I post a comment and its not showing up so I am going to try this again. Right now the most important thing for you to do is to take care of yourself. We will all be here when you get back and we will all link up to your party. Actually I am in the process of trying to grow my blog and my followers and commenters so I am going to add your party to my blog and start linking up here too. This is my first time here, I liked your page on FB the other day and when I saw your post today about Work It Wednesday I had to come see what it was. I had three babies. With my second one I was on bedrest at 20 weeks. At my 6 week follow up appointment I was told to gain 20 lbs and weight 5 years before having another baby. Yes, 20 lbs from what I weighed at 6 weeks after having a baby. Basically what I weighed when I delivered. So I did that. With my third I made it to 35 weeks before I got put on bedrest and I delivered at 36 weeks. Take care of yourself. Its very important during this time. Besides we all want to hear about the beautiful baby and see pictures. =)
Thanks for hosting, Sarah. Glad all is okay with the baby. Hope you will join me for my Tasty Thursdays party this week!! Thanks, Nichi
Thanks for hosting, Sarah. Glad all is okay with the baby. Hope you will join me for my Tasty Thursdays party this week!! Thanks, Nichi
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting!
Take care of yourself and don’t worry about a silly linky party. I hope that you are feeling well. Keep that baby inside as long as possible!
Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a wonderful week! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals
Thanks for hosting. Glad to know you and baby are fine! Tell your lil’ one to stay put till it is time to come out!!!
Anjana @ http://happyandharried.wordpress.com/
Thanks so much for featuring my blueberry & banana muffins! Hope you’re feeling better now and have a great rest of the week 🙂
Thanks so much for featuring my blueberry & banana muffins! Hope you’re feeling better now and have a great rest of the week 🙂
Thank you for the feature, and for hosting a great party!
Thank you for the feature, and for hosting a great party!